Welcome to the Spatio-Temporal Statistics and Data Science Research Group

The group of Marc G. Genton, Al-Khawarizmi Distinguished Professor of Statistics, works on the statistical analysis, modeling, prediction, and uncertainty quantification of spatio-temporal data, with applications in environmental and climate science, renewable energies, geophysics, and marine science.
Please follow the links below to learn more about the currently ongoing projects and opportunities within the team. We are always looking for talented and hard-working students and postdocs.
Talks from STSDS@KAUST members!
Our research activities include the following topics:
- Spatio-temporal statistics
- Data science
- Spatial extremes
- Geostatistics for large datasets
- Non-Gaussian random fields
- Copulas
- Multivariate spatial statistics
- Nonstationary models
- Wind and solar power forecasting
- Multivariate data analysis
- Data mining and machine learning
- Visualization of functional and image data
- Skew-elliptical distributions
- Robustness
- Data assimilation
MPCR: Highly Optimized Multi-Precision Package in R
- MPCR main repo (v1.1.0, November 5th, 2023): click here
ExaGeoStat: Geostatistics at Exascale!
- ExaGeoStatCPP main repo (v1.0.0, November 13th, 2023): click here
- ExaGeoStat main repo (v1.2.0, January 24th, 2023): click here
- ExaGeoStatR repo (v1.0.1, September 4th, 2020): click here
- ExaGeoStat documentation: click here
- ExaGeoStat paper: click here