Israel Martínez-Hernández Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics spatio-temporal statistics statistics
Jaehong Jeong Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics Global spatial and spatio-temporal statistics Climate change impacts on hydroclimatic events
Joydeep Chowdhury Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics functional data analysis multivariate analysis spatial statistics quantile regression non-parametric methods
Maicon J. Karling Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics goodness-of-fit tests multivariate statistics skewed distributions Time Series
Marc G. Genton Al-Khawarzmi Distinguished Professor, Statistics mathematical modelling visualization computational predictions spatio-temporal data analysis applied statistics
Pavel Krupskiy Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics copulas Multivariate extremes nonparametric statistics Spatial data
Sameh Abdulah Research Scientist, Hierarchical Computations on Manycore Architectures exageostat extreme computing parallel algorithms large-scale computing machine learning Statistical computing
Souhaib Ben Taieb Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics STSDS smart grids machine learning big data
Stefano Castruccio Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics Environmental Statistics Space- time Models Statistical Methods for Imaging Data
Yuan Yan Ph.D. Student, Statistics Non-Gaussian spatio-temporal processes data transformations wind emulation and forecasting depth for functional data
Zhuo Qu Ph.D. Student, Statistics statistics Functional data robust statistics nonparametric statistics spatio-temporal statistics
Zipei Geng Ph.D. Student, Statistics spatio-temporal statistics high dimensional statistics graphical models